Hail Storms in 2023

As Colorado Hail Claims, we’ve closely observed the weather patterns of 2023, and it’s clear this year has been a big one for hail storms.

Here, we will take a look at the high level of storm activity, key events and the aftermath throughout the year. It’s been another busy year for the Colorado Hail claims team, as we have tirelessly worked with our clients to restore the vehicle’s post-hail damage. Whether minor or major, this year has undoubtedly been a buy one.

The big cost of hailstorms

This year, the financial impact of hail storms has been significant.
Reports from Yale Climate Connections indicate that weather patterns, particularly in June, have brought about severe thunderstorms that ravaged the High Plains, South, and Midwest. The financial burden from these storms is immense, with insured losses likely to surpass $30 billion, potentially reaching the levels of previous record years like 2020 and 2011.
Over the past decade, damages from severe weather, prominently involving hail, have amounted to over $250 billion.

Hailstorm data for 2023

The National Weather Service reports a noticeable increase in hail incidents this year:
April: 1063 hail reports.
May: 1116 hail incidents.
June: 1755 hail reports, the highest of the year.
July: 1252 reports.
In total, there have been over 6571 hail reports up to September, a notable rise from previous years.

The National Weather Service – Data on 2023 hailstorms 

The National Weather Service, through its Storm Prediction Center’s Annual Report Summary for 2023, provides a detailed analysis of hail events. The report shows a substantial increase in hail incidents, particularly during the spring and summer months:

Peak hail incidents:

April experienced 1063 hail reports.
May saw 1116 hail incidents.
June recorded the highest with 1755 hail reports.
July followed with 1252 reports.
Total Hail Reports:
Up to September, the tally stood at 6571 hail reports, marking a significant rise in hail storm occurrences.

Holding Large Hailstones

Holding Large Hailstones

Notable 2023 hail events

  • In areas around Hot Springs, Arkansas, residents faced softball-sized hail (4 inches in diameter) in June, resulting in extensive damage.
  • Brooksville, Mississippi, reported an unusually large hailstone exceeding 5 inches.
  • Denver’s Red Rocks amphitheatre experienced a hailstorm with tennis ball-sized hail (2.5 inches), leading to multiple injuries.
  • Lubbock, West Texas, was hit by grapefruit-size hail (4.5 inches).
  • Supercells in Indiana, Kentucky, and Arkansas brought substantial hailstone sizes in June.

Colorado Hail Claims

At Colorado Hail Claims, we are not meteorologists we are car guys. We understand the impact these weather events can have on communities. Our focus this year has been on helping people navigate the aftermath of hail storms, emphasizing the need for proper insurance coverage and preventative measures.

Looking to 2024

Given the increasing effect of climate change and the region’s high tendency of hailstorms, preparedness is the key to minimizing potential damage. Check you have comprehensive insurance coverage and look at proactive measures to lessen the impacts of hailstorms. Colorado Hail Claims remains dedicated to providing expertise and support for hail damage repair and recovery, helping communities brace for future weather challenges. Have a question? Connect with our friendly team today.